I actually spent ages thinking of a name for my blog. It was hard as I was not sure what I really wanted to blog about and I knew it would be a mixture of things so I could not just name it after one topic. I have had a blog before called charlie chats, it was just a general blog about random things I though people might be interested in. This was a while ago, I was maybe 15 and the name was a little childish. I knew I wanted the name to include my name, and I wanted to give advice; be it about my disabilities, my pets, art or anything else I find interesting. So that is basically what I called it, Advice by Charlie. This is my blog logo.
I was apprehencive when I first published my blog, thinking people would assume I am giving them some life changing advice, but then I sort of relaxed into it. It became my new skin.
If you feel you want to start a blog but have no idea what to call it, there are websites that are name generators. you just type in themes or topics and it merges them together to make a new name.
I hope this was some sort of help for you.
Thanks for reading,
Charlie x
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